Kindergarten and preschool

It’s exciting to watch your child’s personality grow as they continue to develop new skills they can use now, at school, and beyond. Our kindergarten and preschool programs are designed to cater to each child’s individual strengths and needs, offering increasingly complex experiences to foster positive learning dispositions, and prepare your child for a smooth transition to school.


Our personalised learning approach

Between ages 3 and 5, children become more independent and curious, with rapidly improving language skills. They form stronger social relationships and learn sharing and cooperative play. Physically, they gain coordination and fine motor skills for writing and drawing. Cognitively, they grasp basic numeracy and literacy concepts, engage in imaginative play, and develop creativity and problem-solving skills.

At our early learning centres, our exceptional Bachelor-qualified Early Childhood Teachers follow an approved learning framework that supports personalised learning in numeracy, literacy, creativity, self-regulation, and emotional, social, and physical development. Our curriculum is tailored to accommodate your child’s unique learning and development needs, boosting their enthusiasm, motivation, and willingness to learn.


Comprehensive skill development and growth

In our kindergarten and preschool programs, your child will have the opportunity to practice and learn essential skills, such as:

  • Communication: Using language to express ideas, feelings, and needs, forming the basis for literacy.
  • Numeracy: Engaging in mathematical play, including patterning, counting, sequencing, comparing shapes, and developing spatial awareness.
  • Social Skills: Making friends and playing collaboratively with peers.
  • Emotional Skills: Learning to self-regulate emotions and behaviours.
  • Motor Skills: Developing core strength and coordination for daily activities and preparation for formal schooling.
  • Independence: Becoming more self-sufficient in self-care tasks.
  • Creative Expression: Expressing ideas and feelings through art, dance, and dramatic play.
  • Confidence: Building the courage to ask and respond to questions, explore, make predictions, and solve problems.

Ensuring a smooth transition to school

Our structured kindergarten and preschool programs provide the support needed for a smooth and successful transition to school. By focusing on oral language development, social and emotional skills, physical development, and fostering positive attitudes towards learning, we ensure your child is equipped with the foundational tools to be a confident and successful learner.

Want to find out more about how our early education centres prepare children for a successful transition to school? Read our comprehensive kindergarten and preschool eBook.


Enrolling your child in our kindergarten and preschool programs

Ready to enrol your child into our kindergarten and preschool programs? Find a centre to start your journey today. If you’re curious about a centre or room availability for your child, please contact our Family Support Team.